Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Biz Plan

calling me to tell me that if I wanted to get into their Fall Semester Class at Marist, I had to make an appointment to come in. The intro classes were starting in a few weeks, and I had to do all the paperwork and interview to see if I qualified for the program.

I knew it was a program to help women in business. I certainly was one. I knew a lot about business, after all, I had a home based business for years. But I figured that there is always something to be learned, and it was at a price I could afford. So why not? Little did I know...

The driving force behind the semester 60 hour+ program, was the Business Plan that I had to write for my new business in Rhinebeck. And the work that has ensued since August has been hmm....rather taxing, for lack of a better word. The presentation was to be delivered before a panel on December 3rd, with graduation on the 10th.

On the way to the presentation- a large buck hit my car doing 55 mph, in the snow and sleet. A traumatic evening, the car at this writing is still in the repair shop; $10,000 and counting work of repairs on my leased EOS. My husband rescued me and drove me to the presentation an hour and a half late, but I made it, albeit in a state of shock. The panel congratulated me on my very well thought out plan, and the only comment was: "well Patti, remember that there are only 24 hours in a day, and you will have to plan your days very well." My retort was: "it's all in the plan".

I never made it to graduation. Heavy rain and wind and a 45 minute drive in the dark was not appealing, and I was still recovering from the stress of the accident. I was satisfied with the work I did, and what I had learned. I didn't need a ceremony to give me another pat on the back, though it would have been a nice wrap up to what was a very difficult undertaking, and to hug my fellow classmates and mentor.

I am chomping at the bit, ready to hit 2015 with success and profit. My left brain is a finely tuned as the right, and I now have a guide map to my success.

Got questions about the program? Contact me. Need help with a vision or making a plan? Give me a call!
For those of you who are interested, click HERE and "like"  my Facebook business page, or go to my P.A. Gibbons Studio website!

Happy Holidays!  Patti