Monday, September 29, 2014

Art Along the Hudson

The weather has been stunning here in the Hudson Valley, prompting me to get outside to walk and make some art. Friday, after my student left his oil painting lesson, I took off to the Wilderstein Estate in the Rhinebeck/Rhinecliff area of Dutchess County, NY.  It was in the low 80's and the 2 pm sunlight was still pretty strong. It is not my favorite time of the day to paint because the light is so bright, but it is the most consistent light, I only had an hour to work. It was an exercise in observation and color.

Since I did not have to walk far, I just bought my paintbox, palette, a 5 x 7" canvas panel, and a large blanket.  I got a little sunburned in the strong midday light, but happily painted the Hudson River view.  Few trees here near the water had changed, and everything was lit in cool blues and greens. For one hour I was in heaven, undisturbed by any hikers or tourists. 

Yesterday, after my weekend visitors left, Larry and I had a few hours remaining of the beautiful afternoon, and we headed down to Rotary Park, in Kingston. It is the part of the river when the steamboats docked in the late 1800's, and thousands of visitors passed through the area. The steamship ran daily from New York to Albany.  Many who got off the boat took the train and headed into the mountains, on their way to one of the several mountain houses or another destination.  It was also an amusment park 100 years ago. Little remains of the original structures, save for a gazebo and some tracks, but it is a lovely place to picnic, observe the river activities, and make art. I did some watercolors, and above is one of my "painting photos" made with Snapseed on my iPhone 5c. It will be used as a reference for future work, but I love how painterly it is. 

I also met some of the female members of the Bruderhof, and we sat and  had a lovely chat for an hour before their dinner. I promised to visit them for one of their community dinners. They are a peaceful people, living in the true Christian tradition, and helping the poor and they work with the community in many ways. 

And today, I am in the Tibetan shop....It's been very quiet here, and looks like it is going to rain the next few days. We need the rain desperately, so I won't get to paint outside till later in the week. I have a commission to work on and a few dozen cards to make, to Patti won't be bored, or unproductive! Till next week! 

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