Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hey It's Good to be Back Home Again

The title of this blog is the title of a John Denver song which is running through my head right now. I just finished unpacking another load from my Rhinebeck studio which has been my home-away-from-home for two years.

It's been a good experience. I learned a lot, met many lovely people. It was an excellent business experience, and my tenure there helped me discover who I am and what I like.

In preparation for working from home, I have been organizing my home studio. As an artist and teacher, I have hoarded many things over the years. The difficult part has been to decide what stays and what goes.  I still have not given up my collection of beads, though I no longer bead, and there are 10,000 other things that I use in my work that I just can't let go of yet. But somehow the floor is opening up, the tables are being cleared, and soon I will be able to fit 3-4 people in my studio to teach a few classes a week.

I look forward to being more domestic; mixing my bread in the morning so that I can bake in the afternoon, or putting on a pot of soup or beans to simmer while I work. When the weather gets warmer in another month, I will start prepping my beds for peas and spring greens. Maybe, just MAYBE, I will start some plants from seed.  I look forward to taking my daily walks, followed by my afternoon/evening work in the studio.

This is the first painting that came out of this new incarnation of my life as an artist. I spent 4 blissful hours in my studio yesterday, painting with a friend who wanted to see my process while I painted from a recent photograph using a palette knife.  She painted along side me, each of us captivated by the sensuality of the oils, and making new discoveries. This is a detail from an apple farm in Highland, NY.

Tonight, I will make it final, changing the info on my FB page, and my website. I do not regret that past, but I am ready for the future and the ultimate joy of working from home!

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